I created this website to act as a source of information for people with narcolepsy, as well as anyone out there who might want to know more about this condition.
As I see it, we have been lacking a source that provides a centralised grouping of information regarding narcolepsy, so I decided to make one myself. I aim to make information as read-able as possible; not too clinical or overly complicated so that everyone can understand it.
There is a guidebook section, which is a new version of my previous site, explaining in clear terms all the basics on narcolepsy and how to live with it, including illustrations that help readers empathise with what having narcolepsy actually feels like.
There are also sections with different types of narcolepsy information; from blogs to media articles, scientific research papers and infographics.
My original site was put up in 2012, which was created out of my final year honours project for university. I studied design, and therefore wanted to use my design skills to make information about narcolepsy more interesting, as well as helping readers to understand different aspects of the condition.
At the start of 2015, I finally finished my big redesign that included the addition of additional resources, research listings, blogs and more to the original guidebook content. It has since undergone a few redesigns and continues to have occasional updates.
If you want to get in touch with me directly for whatever reason please fill out the form below.